Sunday, December 4, 2011

Down to business December 4th..

Its a little late to start working on the presentation, but ive been going back and forth on the whole plan I intended to go with. After thinking for a while, i decided to only play violin and go with the idea of 'going back to what I started music on.' To do that, I will play all three parts to Coldplay's Viva la Vida on the violin...that is to the best of my ability.... I did get a rough copy of sheet music online, but there were many corrections I made in order for it to match the song.

When I began to put my idea into a recording, I was once again reminded of the frustration that came with playing the violin. No doubt, I feel it is more difficult than the trumpet. Not only in terms of playing the notes, but also in making the sound (buzzing vs. moving arm/wrist steadily back and forth).
After almost 2 hours of playing violin today (thanks to procrastination) I managed to record a decent playthrough that still has a few mistakes here and there. But when my presentation comes, Id like to remind everyone that I have not played this instrument since 7th grade.
(I cant post the recording because its not a video file and Katie or I cant find a way to get it to work)


December 4

Working out Viva with Kyle.Kyle found this program so that we can combine all the parts together. We've never done this before, so it's really all touch and go.
Anyway, the program is Kinda nice, the free version can combine up to three parts.
I'm going to be doing the computer/techie parts, since I have the better computer. haha, Kyle. :D
