Wednesday, September 21, 2011

September 21, 2011 (For 9/19 and 9/20)

First off, I listened through the song three times, following along with a different part each time to make sure the sheet music we got was accurate in terms of rhythm. I did not get the chance to play through it, so I am not yet entirely sure if the notes are musically correct.

Besides listening to the actual song, I chose the ideal instrument we would use for the three different parts: 1st: Flute (maybe trumpet) 2nd: Violin 3rd: Violin. In addition, I began transposing the 1st part into the key of B flat in case I would have to play any of it on my trumpet.

-Kyle Chang

September 21


So we're playing around with the design of blogger. Gadgets and gizmos, a plenty. haha.

Hopefully the next time I post I'll have some sort of video/photo to post. Most likely on Viva. Otherwise I'd just feel like a slacker.. :D


Monday, September 19, 2011

September 19

In-class Day 1:

Figured out more or less what we are going to do.

So with my brother, we'll be doing the Viva la Vida mix up. The three parts will be split between four (?) instruments. Piano on the third, Violin on the second, and splitting the first part between our respective Trumpet and Flute.
That's project one.

Project two.
I was talking to Grace J in class, and she and I decided to do a piano/flute duet. The song? Always With Me (Itsumo Nando Demo) from Spirited Away! Exciting. Here is where I got the sheet music: Ichigo's Music
Or a direct link to the file:

I've got so much other stuff that I want to play... We'll see if we have time!


Sunday, September 18, 2011

September 18, 2011

As part of Lake Oswego High School Band's new project, here goes nothing:
Google Project 2011!

Google Project: So the Google employees are the most happy in the world. Now that's because they get to spend 20% of their work time (paid) to do their own project. Whatever they want. Sounds good. Now if only I get paid... :)

After hearing about this idea last year before summer break, I immediately wanted to learn the piano. I've never actually learned it, and playing the piano is such a useful tool. Oh well.
But it's hard to find sheet music for popular songs online that are (and this is important) free. I didn't really want to fork over any money. But I know that other musicians' hard work shouldn't be just passed out.

Still, I want to learn the piano. I'll keep at it, because this is what I really want to play: From a favorite musical of mine. :)

In the end, my brother and I decided to do this together: Not on violin only, but also on flute and trumpet, each on one of the three parts. Hopefully it will turn out alright!

I've also some other ideas solely for me. I'll keep working on Apologize (OneRepublic) on the piano, since that is something that I've been working on for some time now.

So that's the idea. We'll see how it goes!
