Wednesday, September 21, 2011

September 21, 2011 (For 9/19 and 9/20)

First off, I listened through the song three times, following along with a different part each time to make sure the sheet music we got was accurate in terms of rhythm. I did not get the chance to play through it, so I am not yet entirely sure if the notes are musically correct.

Besides listening to the actual song, I chose the ideal instrument we would use for the three different parts: 1st: Flute (maybe trumpet) 2nd: Violin 3rd: Violin. In addition, I began transposing the 1st part into the key of B flat in case I would have to play any of it on my trumpet.

-Kyle Chang

1 comment:

  1. Good Work Kyle. Your post still says google project as the title on my blog page. Could you check your title page and see if it says Google Project anywhere?
