Thursday, October 6, 2011

October 6

Meant to post yesterday, but midnight didn't seem like a nice time to be on the computer so...
It's already October and the Google Project is moving fast. Let's see how getting a video on here works...
Viva la Vida, first recorded go at it. Terrible at recording myself, always scare myself or something. :)
After listening to it, its easier to tell what to work on. Not too familiar with the song, so I'll listen to it more.
I also worked with Grace on the Spirited Away song. Sounding good! I have some recordings of that, but I'll save them. I also want to record my piano playing of Apologize. I'm almost through the whole thing, so it should be easy enough.

edit: I still haven't figured out why this blog is titled "Google Project" on the LO Band's main page. I've changed every title and searched through it all... Somehow this blog's been tagged that name already. I wonder if I have to make a new blog altogether?


  1. That sounds horrible!!!

    -your loving brother :D

  2. you need to listen to the song a LOT to get the rhythms better

  3. Hey. be nice.
    I don't know the song at all!..
    and "changster" isnt that much better. eesh.

